Friday, July 25, 2008

how to remove THAT?

Guys, ask you something.Is it when you open this page, an adver saying "anda telah memenangi..." pop up?DAMN IT!could sbd teach me how to remove ...

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Bell Popo 糗事记录簿之一 -- 厕所篇

话说 Bell popo 昨天到 1U TGV看 The Dark Knight, 不错哦!还有幸看到陈冠希一两秒酱,,batman呢我还是比较喜欢 Val Kilmer啦,joker一出场即引起我内心小小的骚动~~Heath Ledger! 完全和 brokeback mountain的他不同呢!声音也转变太大了吧? 回来话题--厕所。就在入场之前,依剧情需要怎样都要拜访一下厕所啦。每间厕所门都关着了,好多人哦~~突然看见我眼前的厕所门竟然有门缝,本能的反应当然是用我小小的手指轻轻的推开厕所门咯。咦?!竟然看见门旁挂着手带?!就是说里面有人咯?可是,门开了啦!!!动作反应超快的Bell popo神酱快就挤去隔壁朋友的lane..奇怪,怎么门都开得那么大了都没反应啊?里面有人的吗?就在本人想要走回去一探究竟的时候,突然看见天外飞仙,里面的人的脚终于出来了。OMG!!!!!而且据Bell popo的超强观察力,她是面向厕所门如厕的,因为那只脚是向外走出来,而不是退后再转身...就是说!!如果Bell popo不及时飞开,看到的画面就会是一个美女蹲着,面向自己如厕...做么那个人不会出声的咩?做么那个人不会大大声喊"里面有人"的咩?做么那个人不会拿手挡着的咩?奇怪!害我要在厕所玩躲猫猫...

Shopping Spree

Haiyo, Bell popo is not a rich girl lar…sumore Bell popo din work for any part time during her practical period, so this time is DEFINITELY a super BIG bang to her because…SHE HAS NO ANY SPONSOR !( FACT 1 == shopping centre is a BLACK HOLE! )Some more these are just tiny necessary things in her daily life!Please save her from bankruptcy… (For the God sake!)I’ve told you right, refer my last post, I’m damn poor but yet, I’m a big spender….Stop BULL-SHITTING!...

Friday, July 18, 2008

my shampoo...ALL GONE!

Bell popo story time again, WELCOME BACK!After the story of Bell popo lost her shampoo, today something weird happened again.8 in the morning, Bell popo's roomate, Sylvia went to the toilet and came back with a face of frustration.Sylvia -- "My Darlie toothpaste hilang jor...."H-A-R???You see you see, nowadays even toothpaste also got people want to steal ar! Frenz! Be aware ar!So is it proof that Bell popo's shampoo kat mana ler?Today no plumber le gua???Luckily Bell popo's newly bought Darlie still put inside my room, aboh, my toothpaste will...


不瞒大家,第一次中xuanjing的tag,莫名其妙有点小兴奋的说1. Six people to tag.FeeMingeStudyFionaJessieJieSiOrange好啦,这当中或许你们都不玩这个的,给点面子玩下啦~~哈哈2. Six things I'm passionate about.1.旅游!(是旅游不是旅行哦!我不要滚水烫脚那种哦!)2.吃! (民以食为为天~)3.看戏!(哎,做人难得的娱乐了。。)4.血拼!(当然,大大前提是要有钱啦,不然买屁咩?)5.睡觉!(永远不过时)6.吹水~(增进友谊啊。。。)3. Six things I say too often.1."哈?什么?"2."显到爆。。"3."你啊星。。"(这个不要学,姐姐是有练过的。。。)4."烦咧!"5."哎。。。哎。。。哎。。。"6."今天吃什么?"(呵呵)4. Six books I've read recently.1.PS I Love You2.Ethics and Science Social 3.女神门4.二株梦5.Pride and Prejudice6.Jane Eyre5. Six songs I can listen to again and again.就选最近爱听的吧1.我的快乐2.我就是这样3.摇篮曲4.黄色大门5.16号爱人6.快乐不快乐6....

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

my shampoo...ALL GONE!

WAIT and see how bell popo tell you the story...Once upon a time...Bell popo found that the new-rent-room-toilet-bowl cannot flush wor! Then Bell popo go and tell the aunty .Bell " Aunty, the toilet bowl hor...kenot flush geh..then how ar? "Aunty " Ooo...ya ar? Ok I'll ask a man come and repair.."After a few days...(means yesterday)Aunty knocked our door and we opened it lor...Aunty " The toilet hor, can flush ady ..@#%$^%#^&&^* "Whatever lar, my turn to take bath, and I found that, OMG! Whr's all my shampoo?!!!Not mahal shampoo mar..only...

Friday, July 11, 2008

1st week @ KOMPAKAR

Wow, I'm still alive!Tell you I'll be well adapted to any situation mar :rf:anywhere, talk about my room first.i thought it's a clean room, i thought it has a clean toilet at least, i thought it would be comfortable to stay in this little packed room for the rest of 5 months.. and yet, one day, i finally take my bath when im still wearing my cons..oh my god! the wall is so disgusting! the toilet bowl is soooo dirty, the floor is so ugly!no idea, i've to wash it ah sum jor..and hor, 1st day @ KOMPAKAR, still ok, colleagus so nice...2nd day,...

Sunday, July 06, 2008

the mouse is DEAD


Friday, July 04, 2008

Good-Bye .... My Friend

by Spice Girls..Have to leave this blog awhile as my sweetest holidays gonna end soon.What's your mood now?"Please...leave me alone..."Ain U gonna miss here?"Definitely!"Good-bye, my friends, my blog, my .... :(I'll miss streamyx so much for the first time.PLEASE!Say you'll miss me...anywhere, hope that we can meet SO...



Wednesday, July 02, 2008

My life getting boring n boring arrrrrrr!!

Free week @ Ipoh really enjoy makes me dont want go back to KL tim...所谓偷得浮生半日闲,自在有序好时间啦啦啦~~~别人问我,怡保有什么酱爽哦?我答“我家就是最爽的地方啦~~”每天12点多起身妈妈就会叫我吃饭,不起身妈妈还打我屁股叫我起来吃饭,反正就是一定要吃饭就对了~~呵呵在家吃饭真好,走两步就有饭吃,还不用给钱,哈哈哈哈~~(妈妈又在叫我吃饭了~~)然后就可以大喇喇的在客厅/房间打开好久都不见的电视机煲戏,都不用辛辛苦苦下载的说。看戏看到一半总会听到妈妈说“喂,等下汤冷了记得喝阿!”哈哈,还帮我盛汤~~皇帝级享受~~哦,对了,每次回来都有一大堆戏等着我~其实幸福很简单~~所以呢,每次回来总是有一点私心,那就是--不想出门!所以也有一点不想让朋友知道我回来的说(尤其没钱的时候!在这里喝茶每次都是高消费,不懂为什么大家都不习惯去mamak,每次都去什么kopitiam啦,ice ice baby啦,friday 啦.....