Monday, June 30, 2008

容祖儿2008 star light 云顶演唱会

27/6/2008Venue : Arena of Stars, Genting本人笨笨的带了一个没电的相机去,所以只好用烂烂的手机咯,可是照片太难看了,唯有偷别人的照片上来分享一下。感谢cari穷鬼的照片哦!观后感Joey真的很强,舞蹈演绎方面大有进步,歌唱方面似乎和cd没什么分别,呵呵,终于见识到了!云顶lightning也不必香港差,她笑说“人地讲马来西亚的空气有d稀薄,不过唔使担心,我有练气!”不过现场只有65%满,可怜我的joey...但还是表现精彩!可惜粉丝太过斯文,现场guard又很惹人讨厌(云顶演唱会的不爽之处,不给你疯狂的,站又不能,拍照一下下又不能,什么都不能!严到死...下次要带臭鸡蛋丢人...哈哈~~说笑啦!)power medley的时候超想站起来一起high翻天,可是相信我,真的除了vip那一行超High的粉丝之外,我看不到有人站起来也...失望中,大家你看我我看你,屁股只能乖乖的粘在椅子上,不爽!!完全炸到的是,这场演唱会似乎没有encore就无端端结束!之前做足功课看了HK那场演唱会,云顶这场不止有很多正歌没听到,连最后我最最最期待的encore...

2007/2008 Second Sem Result Release

WAHAHAHAThis is the first time! My result finally , Eventually showed an increase !Although it's just a very slightly increasement but thank God, I'm happy enough and gave a call to dear mum for my little good news....hahaMum : " You deserved what you've pay..."Me : " Oh Mum...stop bullshit again !wakaka...."Honestly before this I've a small hope, that I can squeeze into dean list for this sem, but deep of my heart clearly told me that again, I unable to do so *sob*WHATEVER, I'm happy enou...

Friday, June 20, 2008

I Hate I Hate I Hate Hate Hate!

Sicks...In my recent book of Bell's Journal, I found that I am a person who lived in my world, with my own.I hate being somebody, or be treated as somebody, as I hate somebody act like he/she is SOMEBODY!This makes me sick.All right! I know that somebody really enjoy to be somebody!But, friends, when you try to expose yourself as somebody, please do consider others as SOMEBODY also.The Earth is not revolution on YOU!Really do hate when somebody just neglected and put others as nobody when he/she tried to (and always do!) express him/herself.They...

Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Time--1:20am, 18/6/2008, TuesdayVenue--JC@his house whereas me@minehardware -- laptopsoftware -- MSNReason why i post this 1 ?Bcoz JC challenged me to do so!Read till the end you'll know..Although I don't think you will...hahaMe -- PekHernJC--JiesiPekHern says :你说我变态我被变态说我变态那个才是死变态!你明白区分吗?Jie Si says:明白,变态否认她是变态PekHern says:我发觉我们打华语字好像几快下PekHern says:这样才正常通常神经病都不会承认自己是神经病Jie Si says:又是这句上次也有咧新意新意PekHern says:因为为什么你懂吗?因为--你完全没有从错误中学习,所以我惟有一而再再而三的重复直到你完全明白为止Jie Si says:错有错着嘛PekHern says:你想说傻有傻福了吗?Jie Si...

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Useful tools to share

1. I know it's abit fool to introduce this little software here but it helps alot! Perhaps some of you din't really know about the existance of this right?BLUETOOTH REMOTE CONTROLU-know-lar...We always need to present using laptop right? (OKOK, i know some are using desks but nothing lose to know new thing, right?) And you start to present using slides...ARR, why does I can't have a remote control so I need no to stand beside my laptop and keep pressing down? (Exception for Mac laps here....their components just too strong to beat off!)HAHAHAHA,...

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Any nice songs introduce to me?

Exam coming soon AGAIN!Hate that so much and yet I've to prepare myself and set up my mind to do so.For those who have same fate with me, let's pray together, for you and for me.**********************************Seems like my life-routines keep on repeating recently.Sem start - relaxing - attend courses freely - assignments come - projects burdened - all presentations come atogether at the end of sem - and nevertheless the GRAND FINALE EXAM's always waiting for me at some where the corner.Can't wait for my holidays but Gosh -- no such pleasure...

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

阳光 | 花 | 希望 | 灿烂

*"我觉得很自卑,因为我有的不比我的朋友多..."*昨晚在回家的路上在988听到这么一席话,他问,丽叶,我怎样才能不觉得自卑?丽叶说,自尊,有时应该叫“他尊”,因为自尊是自己尊重自己,而他尊,即使他人尊重自己。我想想,这什么话?还是那句,比上不足,比下有余。对于现在我拥有的,我觉得很满足,就算我现在没有的,我会小小羡慕,但不会妒忌。与其期待,不如往目标前进。我的人很简单,生活谢意就好,哪怕你是在说我浪费人生,哈哈。今早收到Jess寄来的email.又恍然大悟了一点。老張是我們高中同班同學中唯一念醫學院的同學。 他是癌症醫生。 我們雖然是好朋友,但我們常常開玩笑說最好不需要去找他。 同班同學聚會,老張一定會到,他的收入高得不得了,所以有的時候他會請客,偶爾同學中有人發生一些經濟上的困難, 他也會慷慨解囊。 雖然老張對人很慷慨,卻過著很簡樸的生活, 他每次都坐公共汽車來聚會,他也乘公車離開, 現在有了地鐵,他當然都乘地鐵。 他也從不大吃大喝。 我的感覺是,老張非常不喜歡過非常舒適的生活。...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Happy Dumpling's Festival

祝全天下的华人端午节快快乐乐!!!!屈原今天又可以重出江湖了吧,等了一年终于有人记得他了...碰巧阿公生日,我不能回去,爸爸妈妈就“顺道”下来KL咯,又“顺道”带了几个粽子给我~~感动-ing..出来生活才深深体会到家里的温暖,人啊,总是在失去时才懂得珍惜~~先来一张“碱水粽”解解瘾吧~~家人都笨笨的,好晕...说好了这次他们来要带他们到 Sg. Tekala瀑布玩一玩,谁知他们竟然没带衣服来,以为只是站在旁边拍照 =.=|||浪费到....惟有自己和自己玩咯妈妈弟弟坐在亭子爸爸弟弟忙拍照我忙着被拍~~~呵呵~~拍了几张爸爸老顽童的样子,躲在石头后面玩躲猫猫啦,和弟弟围着树干拍印度戏啦,惟有儿女必须照顾爸爸形象,照片我自己看自己笑就好~~哈哈妈妈会不会心想“怎么我的老公我的孩子那么丢脸啊”?然后去了kepong姨姨家。看到这只不正常热情的golden--Collie因为我手拿手机,它才假假“坐下”还假假偷瞄镜头而已...真的很会拍照哦!我不按快门它都不瞄过来...家人必去之地--德福海鲜餐馆。因为--平靓正阿~~rm18...

Friday, June 06, 2008

One World One Nation | Charity Night 海阔天空是一家 | 交出真情献爱心慈善夜

5/6/2008 Summit USJ, Subang" Homeland being destroyed......THOUSANDS BECAME HOMELESS...everything changes within second...""In our shattered times, anguish relents.Not at mere idle words spoken in vain but rather from the silent eloquence.Bestowed by those rare souls who share our pain."是夜,因为爱,我们齐聚在一起,为了缅甸与四川天灾罹难者默哀。瞬间天昏地暗,家园变成地域,身边的家人渐渐失去温度,天地之剩下灰暗,谁来救他们?太多太多的泪水已不足以拟补内心的伤痛,绝望的呐喊已不能挽救生命的脆弱...今天我,寒夜里看雪飘过,怀着冷却了的心窝飘远方 ...我们幸运,活在远离天灾的地区,可是我们感觉到,世界的痛苦。我们庆幸,人间还有温情,世界还有真心。Love...

Thursday, June 05, 2008


Nothing more grandmother's story I can talked about that, keep on sighing for such inflation-chain situation.Counting on my monthly fees (only for FOOD, entertainment exclude!) RM 300,house rent on both place 1 month later RM300,and now, petrol RM330 monthly...OH MY GOSH!Wondering how can a poor student like me can be able to afford such a number of expenses per month, my car eats more than me! really sucks la!never think of such a small town actually...

Wednesday, June 04, 2008


short sem开始进入尾声,所有的project也一如往常开始进入倒数阶段,而我也和平时一样进入疯狂夜猫族状态...自己也觉得应该给这里一点点新的东西,可是真的没什么好康事务发生,就分享一下最近的点点滴滴咯1. 20/5/2008 *uh-huh*有朋自远方来--其实kajang这个地方,生活也没有很多姿多彩,KL也没什么想要参观的地方,唯有委屈秋宁一下下咯,不过我这个导游还真的蛮烂。还好so,我至少有作些有贡献的事啦夜游 Eyes on MalaysiaLook Out Point 一览2. 25/5/2008受到崇彦from Toronto寄来的postcard,好兴奋题外话*我好好笑的做了中间人*你和我uncle联络了吗?哈哈3.31/5/2008第三届华文海外书市,逛了4本书归来。还有一本 the world is flat, 帮keanming买d..朋友说,那个平坦的世界看了2--3页就睡着了=.=|||4. coming up plan -- 巴厘岛自助旅行计划实行!date...