Sunday, March 25, 2012

The Best Chip Shop in NZ - Oppie's

Another leisure shopping day in this city (Rotorua). Still, not gonna show you how does this city looks like because I myself haven’t start to explore it well. But, allowed me to introduce you the so-called famous-popular-tasty-healthiest Fish n Chips of this City – Oppie’s. Oppie’s ( 川粤美食 ) is a very-chinese-style restaurant that served western-fusion-food which ran by a Chinese family. Please don’t ask me the history behind in details because...

Thursday, March 22, 2012

After-Job-Review as Cheap Farmer

It's 22nd day since I've been in New Zealand and by the time i write this post, I am at Rotorua, a city which is famous for its natural hotspring and breathtaking scenery. Before I start talking about how beautiful is this city, let's have a quick review about my cheap farmer life. Basically it was really fun, I have a bunch of funny housemate who also as cheap as me (LMAO) but please don't mind that I posted your precious photo at here. Hey...

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Have you seen Galaxy before?

Something happened in the farm and there’s a decision to made, whether to stay or to leave. It’s glad to hear that when we’re actually decided to leave (if possible) course we really can’t save much, okay, can’t earn at all with this job. There’re not much Zucchini in this season. Well, part of me wish to stay but another bigger part of me wish to leave; it’s unknown circumstances out there, again, and I’m quite fed up already (LOL why am I repeating...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tough Job I would Say

You’ll never feel the ground with your shoes on. Teachers, parents, the senior one always tell us, “Don’t waste a single rice on your plate, as the farmers working so hard to get it harvested.”Now I know this was so true. Nah, see my cheap farmer look.Urgh I'm so exhausted. First day of working as a cheap labor a.k.a cheap farmer brings me to hell. From 8am – 4pm (overtime sometimes if we can’t finished the lanes) what we doing are pretty...

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Working at Levin

Ain’t gonna be a where-to-play post, but this entry is about my job at Levin, still a sharing huh? Basically we are hired by a company named Kapiti Green Ltd to harvest the mature vege, Zucchini. I’m totally unsure about what is a Zucchini (Was it a Japanese food or something?) until I saw it… No! Should I say until I tasted it? First of all, let me show you, what is a farm. See? Say me a kampong girl, but this is actually my first time seeing...

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Life at Levin

It's true. There's no free lunch in this world. People says: The more you get, the more you gotta pay to get it. Think in this way, you go and interview, the boss tell you: Your monthly salary will be RM10,000. You think it's so easy to get that RM10,000? Then you're wrong. Same case goes here. After we got the job, it's so suspicious as I told you, too good to be true. Nah, let's talk about the toilsome part later. Share you some pics of...

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Walking around Christchurch

What are we doing in the second day?Still, staying in Christchurch, it’s time to kick a start. So we decided to go to the South City Mall, where the only IRD branch in Christchurch was located. Frankly speaking, it’s quite enjoyable when you walked on the street in such a cooling weather, but it’s not fun, not at all, when it’s windy, and all you have is only a cotton jacket. After the IRD, it’s time to open a bank account. Not sure what...

Saturday, March 03, 2012

I found you!! CREME!!

LMAO i never know there's magazine named after me! Eventhough it's just part of my blog address but it's cool enough to see this while I'm wandering around the Central Library . Especially with the cute One Direction on its cover! Have you heard their latest hit? 'What Makes You Beautiful' Published with Blogger-droid v2....

纽西兰 - 基督城 - Day 1

29/2/2012 终于到了这天,等待了一整年的计划终于实现。纽西兰打工度假,有着太多的憧憬,太多的顾虑,太多的计划…却保持一种心态-既来之,则安之 直到飞机起飞的这天,我仍然没有太多的想法。没他啦,计划永远比不上变化不是吗? 况且随行的两位朋友,一位超有主见,一位随遇而安,这样的组合,没什么是解决不了的 J 在程搭巴士前往机场的当儿,巴士突然冒烟。 你知道,想象力超丰富的 Bell 婆婆立即想到 Final Destination 的情景,恐慌啊!原来行李摆放处的灯泡烧着了,巴士司机随手往旁边的草丛一丢,巴士继续行驶 @@(其实个人觉得很危险咯又没有公德心!) 好不容易提心吊胆来到机场,闷闷地上网晃时间,就到了2230 pm, 是时候 check in 了好不容易又到了登机时间,好不容易飞机开始起飞,好不容易在飞机上过了超级难熬的10小时,终于在纽西兰时间下午2时到达啦! 1/3/2012 天啊!你看这蓝边,才深深觉得大马的光害多严重啊! 渐渐的看到雪白的海岸线,一望无际的山川,顶端似乎还是白茫茫一片的“雪山”,远处还有褐色的山丘。 心里是兴奋莫名。 不怕你笑酱紫套句话,Bell...