Wednesday, January 27, 2010

More and More Med coming

Yeah !Let's make it Short and Brief.1. Went for UltraSound checking today, FAILED (due to some funny reasons...) Next appointment at March .... (And this is not a very pleasant experience thou!)2. Due to the failure reason of today trial, more and more medicine coming.Again, why am I makes it sounds soooooo serious?Friends, I am OK.It's not a big matter.Just believe and reli...

Monday, January 25, 2010


Urgh....just look at the title you get some idea of what I'm going to report by this little post.Yes, something wrong with my current condition ! (Why make it sounds so serious?)My dearest body just behave very abnormal recently and now, I've to take back my control !Went for Doctor last week, and he gaves me THESE....Vitamin B Complex TabletFolic Acid 5mg TabletFerrous Fumarate 200mg TabletA BIG WAIT !What happened to you Bell popo?Ferrous Fumarate?!...

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Another busy week...

I've been Truly, Madly, Deeply busy lately!Oh Gosh please help me I need your hand right now!Yes, I mean, HAND !!For those whoever told me that persuing a Master degree is easy, here I'm gonna show you...Please join your left hand with your right hand, palm facing face, bend all the fingers down except the last two little fingers.Yea this is what I'm going to show you!There's no such things as --TIME-TO-PLAY for me right now :'(No time for exercise, No time for movies, No time for any activities, and I'm becoming a computer slave who just be able...

Monday, January 18, 2010



Sunday, January 17, 2010


荒废了这么久,是时候上来扫扫地,抹抹灰尘了.很多人都说2010不是个好年,可我说,2010绝对是一个新的开始.2010,我找回了遗失的自信.2010,我找回了继续下去的动力.无时无刻都感谢2010带来的新希望.走过了荒芜飘渺的低潮期挨过了无数个失眠的夜晚想过了好多好多的可能回首了不少的过去重拾了遗失好久的东西发现了身边那被遗忘但原来重要的事情也得到了心灵上的安慰原来生命中的一切其实可以那么美好对不起哦朋友偶尔好忙忘了向你们问候2010 旧愿望我要减肥!!!整篇东西好像就只有最后两句和大标题有关系~...

Friday, January 08, 2010

Kicking Start for 2010 !

的确很迟,不过我的新年countdown可是很值得回忆呐!给G18,我们都是一家人!!31122009谢谢大家给了我和 phy phy一个超级大惊喜又难忘的“生日庆祝”真的,有吓到地说...Queensbay 倒数派对Faces, 照片很有kampung屋的感觉。祝大家2010有个全新开始,福气又安康!!因为啊,2009大致上没什么值得让我留念的地方,所以抛弃可悲的2009并不算太舍不得。所以2010,是时候让大家抛开所有烦恼与不开心,拥抱未来吧!!冲啊~~~~!!...

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

