Tuesday, August 07, 2012

What are we doing during the weekend?

唉,上晚班不是普通人的生活啊 完全没 L-I-F-E 可言 有些朋友问说 “怎么最近都没照片啊?我要看照片!” 我鬼不想咩? 但是真的 no life 啊! 每天半夜 330am 下班,回家冲个凉 hae 一下不小心到了5am, 再看一看电影不小心到了7am,睡觉不想醒来却已经3pm, 随便煮个饭5pm就要上班.... 什么啊! 我真的为了五粒米折腰啊! 这附近的城市都去过了 (之后再分享) 那周末在干嘛呢? 来到鬼佬国家,我们当然要入乡随俗 呵呵 喝酒吧! (小弟弟小妹妹,姐姐是有练过的,喝酒是不好的,不能学!妈妈会打屁股!) 可是啊 Timaru 真的真的没什么狂欢可言 只好在家自己爽 呵呵 不小心租屋子租到一位害羞男的家 结果被我们发掘他调酒的天分 (明明就是强迫人家调酒) 结果差不多每个星期都有藉口 party 喝 cocktail XD Aaron 兄珍藏之一 Cointreau Barrier...

Saturday, August 04, 2012

这次,来到 Kaikoura

" Few places in the world can boast of such natural wonders as those offered by land and sea in Kaikoura .... The seaside settlement of Kaikoura, situated midway between Christchurch and Picton on the rugged east coast of New Zealand's South Island, is overlooked by majestic mountains, which are snow-capped for many months of the year. This unique combination of ocean and mountains offers stunning coastal alpine scenery and a host of eco-tourism...