Saturday, June 12, 2010


ATTENTION!如果你是种族争议者/胆小怕事者/禁忌多多者/常把大吉利是挂在嘴边着/看鬼戏晚上会做噩梦者那快点离开吧,下面的不适合您,谢谢。心血来潮去了一趟国家博物院,特意来参观挑起我兴趣的棺材展。展览会到六月廿日为止。(Click on the photos for enlarge purpose)图解1 - 貌似“浸猪笼”的葬法,就是把尸体放进笼中(注:这是某种组的葬法,与犯不犯罪无关)2- 从前广用与Sungkai, Slim River 一代的葬法。所以住在那区的朋友,若看到这么一堆石头,千万不要多手搬来bbq或多脚拿来踢石头哦...3- 据说,首个 Perak Man 被发现时就是这个样子(在我看来,曝尸野外是比较笼统的说法)4- 不知哪个种族的葬法,就是把尸体放在boat上,随波逐流~5- 还记得吗?Form 1 Sejarah 里念的 Zaman Neolitik 人的葬法,就是在尸体旁放一大堆陶器(陶器!那个时代的象征)当然还有马来人与印度同胞的葬礼与棺材展览,只是......

Monday, June 07, 2010

Is he a Psychic?

1. I would not apologized for not updating this blog consistently, which in other way I already did, and done it repeatedly. 2. Still in collecting phase for my Sekinchan's picxie, so.... Anyway, here I am to share a story. Last Friday, I was taking Transnational, on the way going back to my home-sweet-home, Ipoh. And here's a guy, name Hazman, (sorry that I exposed your name on site, and hope you won't sue me for that) He's really a good talker, in a sense that he makes me feel like he's a psychic, or whatever, kind of freaking me...