Friday, July 28, 2006


最近的日子还真过得及至充实--大概是因为认识的这班新朋友也有够颠够废吧?我终于知道什么叫猖獗了.原来从前我们做的一切还不及现在身边朋友的十分之一!就是在说着gap仔阿!良宁并不像她的外表和名字给人的感觉--静静的,斯斯文文的,温文尔雅,..天呀!你能想象她和仪婉贞的敢敢走去拿人家电话的样子吗?其实还蛮好笑的,就是那种"玩玩"的心态驱使她们天不怕地不怕什么都敢去做追求.这种面对人生的态度大概也是我正在寻找的吧?开始相信大学生活是多姿多彩的,因最近还真的忙得有点透不过气来.早上8点上可直到晚上7点,继续8点开会至10点,回到宿舍应该会是11点多的事了吧?才吃我那迟来的晚餐.虽然累,虽然辛苦,但是值得.满足感,充实了时间,不会无聊.不过也蛮害怕赶不上功课,毕竟第一学期所学的都是basic,若连这个也搞不好,我以后怎么活?时间要好好分配呀!然后糊里糊涂被当选了fac night MC,连上台都有点怯场的我,看看当晚怎么翻转舞台吧!和拍党决定好了,什么稿也不用准备了,就这样临场机智吧!反正大家也比较想要那种搞笑轻松场面多过正式的,那...好吧!!现在是时候赶回去宿舍进行com night彩排了,身为idol的我怎么可以迟到呢?可是好悃哦...

about sms

Recently I've really realise that sometimes I shud really understand why my dad jz controlling n keep on blaming me on sms-ing..For the past month, I've spent omos rm200 jz for sms-ing!! So dad jz asking me:"can u pls control abit as money's hard to earn?"FUI,dad pays my hp's billing.And since i'm in this environment, where I need to contact my frenz anytime, i jz cant wait them to read d msg n reply me, it takes time! so i can oni apply a new 012 line as here din hv line for digi-user----damn bad service here! so...for now so on i will probably...

Monday, July 24, 2006


belito_yum :我个人倒觉得国大虽然是华人不多的大学,但我们的华人好像没有被如此打压,重点是我们好像很安宁哦!至少现在我们不会被人称之流氓大学生,反政府的大学生,甚至是没有修养的大学生!国大还是拥有开明的校方,有智慧的大学生,温和的学生代表,专业的反对派学生领袖!多种因素形成我们很安宁!华人在国大还是幸福的 ! blue_barbie :我觉得应该不会发生在国大。。因为国大生是理智的!!ck160506 :"博大的那些大学生很不理智' 请问有包括华裔生吗??我听朋友说那个在短片最后大喊的那个人是他们不知什么团体的主席叻!!!但我忘记是否博大的学生会了。那些是大学生。。就好像我在街边看到的流氓!! 真是悲哀!!!!!creme -- 我们这里还很平静,大家都和睦相处,应该不会有类似事情发生吧?再说我仍然相信大家是理智的,千万不要做些让大家不爽的事...

Monday, July 17, 2006

here start my life~

Kinda miss my home-sweet-home bleh~~actually it's not so much to sen but as a "procedure" must list it out mar~~jz bek to ipoh on 15/7 n hv to cum bek to this place of hell on 16/7...u noe d feelings jz...FEELING UN-OK!till now oni i hv d feeling of homesick~here's my life over d past week--coz of my beautiful course-schedule, e'day i've finished my lecture at 1pm n for the rest of my time i'm reali scratching my head thinkin n planning of wut shud i do to pass my time usefully..n one day, after my first n ever IT lecture, bek to my hostel tot...

Saturday, July 08, 2006

what a sucks week!!

finally here comes my university's life, well, it's reali a sucks! not as funny as i think!for the very first day after i've registered for my hostel, take all the stuff from car to room, cleaned it, then change d pinky kolej T, go to the "camp-site" to gather, then heard those PCs giving speech, blah blah blah dunno wut's going on under d vl hot khemah, here comes d bedtime , 2am, haven take bath, haven put all my things well in d place, but hv to wake up at 4am...jz sleep 2 hours ! oh god! cant imagine how to survive liddat, i'm well known for...